The following are operational instructions regarding the most important services offered by the housing cooperative:

1) Laundry
The housing cooperative laundry rooms are located in the basements of Kivisaarentie 3 and Heteniityntie 9 D. The doors leading to the laundry rooms can be opened with the code 1256# and they are available for use during week days and on Saturdays between 8am and 9pm.

You need to order a access to the laundry from the office, cost € 6,-/month.

Machine user manuals and the reservation books are located in the laundry rooms.

The rug washing area is located in the basement of Kivisaarentie 8, access via hallway B. The reservations calendar is located next to the door. There is no usage fee for this area.

The front door code is 1256#

Each building has their own drying room. The drying rooms are not for rugs; rugs must be dried outdoors or in the area reserved for drying rugs in Kivisaarentie 8 A, door code also 1256#.


2) Moving notices and register of occupants
The caretaker and the the building manager keep records of the occupants.

The occupants must notify the record keepers if the occupants of the flats change.

Once the occupants are added into the records based on the notice given to the housing cooperation, the occupants are offered the following services:

·      names on the doors and the noticeboard

·      door opening service

·      occupant records extracts

·      sauna slots

·      parking spaces, etc.

Moving out must also be reported, otherwise payment obligations will not cease.

Forms for moving in/out reports can be obtained from the caretaker or from the building manager.

Remember to also notify the population register centre about your move, tel:.0200 71000 or www.muuttoilmoitus.fi

Occupant register extracts can be ordered from the building manager’s office. The €10 fee is paid when collecting the extract.


3) Keys
If necessary, additional keys to your apartment can be ordered from the building manager’s office.

The key is sent to your home via the post office cash on delivery service. Tenants must send a written permission from the owner with their order. The keys cost €40 each. The lock system and the keys are renewed in late 2014.


4) Shares register
Cooperative shares register is maintained by the building manager. All changes, bills of sale, building manager reports etc. can be obtained from the building manager. www.onnistutaan.fi
5) Fault notifications
Reporting faults in the property is primarily done to the caretaker. The caretaker works between 7am – 4pm on weekdays, telephone number 0400705738 and email address talonmies@kivisaarentie.fi

Urgent matters outside working hours are reported to the duty officer on
09-3216 401. (sticker on the main entrance door).
6) Parking spaces
All parking spaces on the housing cooperative grounds are chargeable.

Guest parking spaces, separately marked, are only meant for guest use.

Renting a parking space can be arranged at the building manager’s office.
Parking spaces with utility pole cost €10/month and the so called cold spaces cost €5/month.

Parking spaces are used for vehicles in normal use. Parking spaces must not be used for unregistered vehicles and the area must not be used for storing other items. Keeping the engine idling is forbidden.
7) Sauna slots
Lower houses each have their own sauna section in the basement. The doors are unlocked during the scheduled slots.

Sauna slots can be reserved with the building manager.

The sauna fee is €10/month.

The communal sauna is on Mondays:

– Kivisaarentie 3 and 5, women between 5pm and 7pm and men between 7pm and 9pm

– Kivisaarentie 4, women between 6pm and 8pm

– Kivisaarentie 2, men between 6pm and 8pm

– Heteniityntie 3 has its own communal sauna, the instructions are on the cellar door


8) Waste disposal
There are five waste shelters for regular household waste in the housing cooperative property.

There are containers for the following waste:

– paper

– cardboard

– energy waste

– mixed waste

– metal and glass

Recycle in order to save the economy and the environment!

10) Website
The cooperative website can be found from www.kivisaarentie.fi.

11) Internet connection
Each apartment is connected to the DNA/Welho 10 Mb broadband. The service is included in the maintenance charge. In order to use the connection, the occupant must contact DNA/Welho customer service tel. 044144044 or visit a DNA store. For more information visit www.welho.fi You can increase the connection speed with an agreement directly with DNA/Welho. Remember to ask for the free cable modem for your use.

You may also organise an ADSL connection by other operators through the telephone network at your own expense.


12) Private storage areas
Each flat has two (2) separate storage units, marked with the flat number. In the lower houses, these are located in the basement, and in the ship houses one is located in the attic and one in the basement.


13) Motorbike garage
One garage is reserved for motorbike storage in Kivisaarentie 3.


–       everyday use        €30/month

Parking space rental can be organised with the housing manager.


14) Bicycle storage
The lower houses each have their own bicycle storage area in the basement.
The ship houses have separate communal bike storage units.


15) Prams and walkers
The lower houses have an area next to the back door of each hallway reserved for items other than bicycles, such as prams and walkers


17) Club rooms and hobby groups
The housing cooperative supports the founding of various hobby groups if the group members are the housing cooperative occupants. The group may use for example storage and the club rooms for their activities.
If you would like to develop resident well-being in this way, contact the building manager.


18) Other
The flats have mechanical ventilation system and the incoming air comes to the flat through the small vent above the windows. The residents should regularly open and clean the air vents above the windows and keep clean all the vents in the kitchen, bathrooms, toilets and closets.

There is a rescue department alarm on the roof of Kivisaarentie 3. The alarm will sound a test alarm on the 15th day of each month (or the following weekday) at noon. The alarm sound, which is monotone, lasts for 7 seconds.

The housing cooperative gets cable TV via DNA Welho. www.welho.com

Attached are also the rules of conduct. It is important to remember to inform the building manager about any repair work carried out in the flats, and to remember that no work must be carried out on public holidays and Sundays which includes drilling and rug beating.

The Finnish law makes smoke alarms mandatory. Each flat must have at least one working alarm / 60m2. Installing and maintaining the alarm is the responsibility of the occupant.

If one of your neighbours breaks the rules, for example disrupts the night time peace, bring the matter to the attention of the housing cooperative by obtaining another witness and by making a written complaint to the building manager. If necessary, you can call the duty officer to witness the disturbance.

The housing cooperative management board and the building manager are happy to hear suggestions and proposals regarding the housing cooperative and living in the cooperative.